Stellar Dawn Wiki
Deletion policy

Adhere to the deletion policy. Most deletions fall under Stellar Dawn Wiki:Criteria for speedy deletion

Cases where a page can be deleted[]

  • Meets the speedy deletion criteria
  • Maintenance purposes (merging, redirecting)
  • Author request, where the page is reasonably young, and only the author has submitted "important" content (i.e. another editor made a typo correction)
  • Per the consensus at Stellar Dawn Wiki:Votes for Deletion over the page in question
  • If a version of the page has content that can be hazardous to its users or Wikia. This includes but is not limited to: Links to unverified applications, malware, material that is illegal under United States, English, or international law, and the unauthorised disclosure of personal details. Oversight should be requested for the offending edit instead of deleting the page outright, if possible.

Cases where a page shouldn't be deleted[]

  • Legal threats were made by a third party. The infringing page content should instead be removed, and at the third party's request, the edit overseen.
  • Deleting would stir up a small controversy among editors, even if (a) criterion/criteria for deletion had been met.

See also[]
